Piglet - IOT Development Module

#Features of the Piglet IOT development board
- ATMega328-au fully compatible with the Arduino IDE
- Support for Optiboot and DualOptiboot Bootloaders
- Extremely low power consumption when asleep typically 8uA
- External 8Mhz crystal oscillator to allow support for the critical timing required by the LORA radios and the LMIC LoRaWAN Library https://github.com/matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic
- Precision resistor divider to accurately measure the battery voltage before the regulator
- Real time clock with temperature compensation to provide a high level of accuaracy for time critical functions such as scheduling of transmissions and timestamping events.
- Support for HopeRF HCW69HCW and RFM95 Lora radios
- On board EUI-64 unique ID accesible over the I2C bus
- On board 4Mbit SPI flash for configuration data storage and code updates using DualOptiboot
- Precision voltage regulator with quiescent current of only 1ua allowing supply voltages between 2.8v and 6.0v
- U.FL connector for connection of a range of antenna options
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