RFM69 - 8 Dimmer output
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8 years ago
8 years ago
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This circuit consist of 8 dimmer outputs.

There is a zero crossing detect so the sketch can power on the TRIACs at the needed time.

The zero cross side has not been tested, but should work.

Opto + triac side of the circuit is already working with a PIC Microcontroller, so should also work with an Atmega !

1 input for L+N, and 8 outputs which consist of 8 L+N. So you don't have to break circuits, just plug lights.

Small loads only should be used (about less than 100W), since I didn't let enough space for heatsinks. I however didn't calculated the triac limits.

1A Temporized Fuse should be placed on each output (fuse holder is on board), which correspond to 220W limit....

Warning : Resistors values have not been calculated, I should update them soon. 2nd Warning : I did not put any anti-parasit circuit (L+C) on the output side. I plan to use this circuit with 220V LED lights only, and those lights doesn't work correctly with L+C circuits.