XL Proto-Breadboard
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2 years ago
2 years ago
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Have you ever been annoyed to find that a module you want to mount on a breadboard is too wide for your breadboard? I know I have. That's why I whipped together this simple, extra-large 100mmx100mm PCB equivalent to a breadboard. It's not just perboard.


  • Similiar to a breadboard, the through-holes in each row are connected (see images), but rather than being 5 through-holes wide, these are 13 through-holes wide.
  • I added a center power rail so that you can solder bridge a given row to either + or -, depending on your requirements.

Shown in the photos are a couple of examples of how I've used it for prototyping. Observe the simple solder bridge connections for connecting power and ground at multiple points, producing a clean result without resorting to wires.

Observe also that 0805 SMD components can be bridged directly across rows, again resulting in clean connections.

In the photo examples, I'm using M3 standoffs to elevate the board above a work surface, thereby helping to avoid possible short circuits if there were metal on the work surface.

Hole pitch is standard 2.54mm (0.1 inch).
