Mysensors RFM69W heater relay module
This is a Mysensors RFM69W actuator node for controlling a heater or other appliances using a relay
Key Features:
- AT25DF512C-SSHN-B SPI flash module for OTA
- ATSHA204A for signing
- MySensors ready(Atmega328p + RFM69W)
- HLK-PM01 as power supply
Work progress:
- Test/verify the pcb board correctness(from both electrical and mechanical point of views) - DONE
- Produce the initial PCB's using some external PCB manufacturer - DONE
- Components assembly(soldering) - DONE
- Create 3D printed plastic enclosure - DONE
- Create MySensors sketch code - DONE
- Verify the real board with running code - DONE
- Verify OTA - DONE
- Burn MCU fuses using avrdude like this:
avrdude -cusbasp -pm328p -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xda:m
(for external 8MHz crystal oscillator and bootloader)
- Burn DualOptiboot bootloader
- Upload the provided sketch with this project or roll your own(pay attention to set this preprocessor define:
HW Revisions:
- 0.1 - initial hw design
- 0.2 - removed capacitor from reset switch as it can interfere with arduino serial bootloader if used
All credits go to MySensors team for the great work and to the opensource community