Yo! This project is still a Work In Progress. Instructions, board layouts and BOM might change!
NModule DC Fan / PWM shield
CERN Open Hardware License
8 years ago
7 years ago
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This shield allows to control a DC Fan or a (not too big: 2A = a bit over 2M of white 5050 leds) LED strip with PWM. It is using a FDD8447L MOSFET with an UCC27324 driver, DS18 temperature sensor and I2C connector for temp/humidity sensor or an APDS9930/9960 proximity sensor.

This will be used for at least 2 projects:

I have implemented the two projects above with success so I remove the "work in progress" flag for the PCB. Scripts still need some improvements so I will post them later. I will probably make some improvement to this design (bigger MOSFET or 2 of them) so if you're interested in driving longer led strips wait a little bit.