@Yveaux Thanks for your response. I guess that's it. I have to burn a bootloader first :-). I have a USBasp Programmer for that. Can you point me to a wiring diagram that shows how to connect the programmer to the circuit board?
Sensor board w/ LTC4079 solar MPPT battery charger and NRF24l01+ radio socket
Charger IC has a complete constant current, constant voltage algorithm. It is a low quiescent current, high voltage linear charger for most battery chemistry types including Li-Ion/Polymer, Lead-Acid or NiMH battery stacks up to 60V. The maximum charge current is 100mA, set with a resistor. The battery charge voltage is set using a resistor divider. If no special instructions are made, the charge voltage is set to 4.2V.
Quiescent current while charging is 4µA
Ultralow battery drain when charged IBAT < 0.01µA
The LTC4079 charges the backup battery while greatly extends battery life. It lets you monitor voltages and charging current. The power source is a small, 5V - 20V solar cell. Connections:
analog input A7 on ATmega 328 is /CHRG signal from LTC4079
analog input A0 on ATmega328 is battery voltage
analog input A2 is solar cell voltage
analog input A6 is charge current
The 1Mohm trimmer potentiometer is used to determine the MPPT (multi point power tracking) point of the solar cell - to maximize its power. At shipping it is set to around 500kOhm, which sets the MPPT voltage of the solar cell to around 11V. Range is from 5V to 18V.
Setting the trimmer:
Voltmeters on both battery and solar cell connections are connected to analog inputs A0 and A2 on the ATmega328p. The voltage divider resistors on battery pins are equal, so the measured voltage is double the shown voltage. And the voltage divider resistors on solar cell pins are 47k over 10k. Take a look at the code example for measurement equation.
Other features on the board:
NRF24l01+ radio socketNRF24 socketwith CE and CSN pins connected to digital pins 7 and 8 ( you use RF24 radio(7, 8); in Arduino code). There is a 4.7uF capacitor connected across Vin and GND of the port NRF24
High efficiency buck-boost DC-DC regulator
Power supply comes from a TPS63031, a 3.3V DC-DC buck-boost converter. It has low power consumption, while delivering at least 500mA in boost mode. Its efficiency is over 90% (at 10mA output, Vbat = 3.6V). Converter works with battery voltages which are below (min 1.8V), equal or higher then the output 3.3V voltage. It also has a power save mode for light loads.
A socket with SDA and SCL lines and 10k pull-up resistors for external I2C components, connected to A4 and A5
On the back, there is space for BMP180, HTU21 or SHT21 and for an EEPROM.
3amp 30V n-channel MOSFET
for regulating external components such as solenoids. The gate is connected to D3 and the output is protected with a Schottky diode.
Low power (2mA) LED diodes
that are connected via solder jumpers. Jumpers need to be soldered in. There are few such boards available and none with this kind of versatility. Fully Arduino compatible with Arduino PRO Mini 3.3V @ 8MHz bootlader.
Code example:
float readVcc()
signed long resultVcc;
float resultVccFloat;
// Read 1.1V reference against AVcc
ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1);
delay(10); // Wait for Vref to settle
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Convert
while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
resultVcc = ADCL;
resultVcc |= ADCH<<8;
resultVcc = 1126400L / resultVcc; // Back-calculate AVcc in mV
resultVccFloat = (float) resultVcc / 1000.0; // Convert to Float
return resultVccFloat;
int current = A6;
int cell = A2;
int lipo = A0;
int CHRG = A7;
float vout = 0.0;
float vin = 0.0;
float R1 = 47000.0; // resistance of R1
float R2 = 10000.0; // resistance of R2
int value = 0;
void setup()
void loop()
float napetost = readVcc();
value = analogRead(cell);
vout = (value * napetost) / 1024.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
if (vin<0.09)
float tok = ((analogRead(current) * napetost / 1024 ) *250) / 3.3; // convert the ADC value to miliamps
float baterija = ( analogRead(lipo) * napetost / 1024 ) * 2; // measuring battery voltage
int polnjenje = analogRead(CHRG);
Serial.print("Vcc = ");
Serial.print("Charge current = ");
Serial.print("Solar cell voltage = ");
Serial.print("Battery voltage = ");
Serial.print("CHRG = ");
Improving accuracy:
To do so, simply measure your Vcc with a voltmeter and with our readVcc() function. Then, replace the constant 1107035L with a new constant:
scale_constant = internal1.1Ref * 1024 * 1000
internal1.1Ref = 1,1 * Vcc1 (per voltmeter) / Vcc2 (per readVcc() function)
For instance, I measure 3,43V from my FTDI, the calculated value of Vref is 1,081V.
So (1,081 x 1000 x 1024) = 1107034,95 or 1107035L rounded up.
Use smoothing example from IDE to smooth the data from ADC.
This board is made for solar powered applications with batteries as backup. Identical - small - footprint as Arduino PRO. Only better. It is intended for sensor applications and can be used as an universal board for sensor node networks. Dimensions are 2 inch x 2.1 inch.
Those who prefer linear voltage regulators, here is a link for the other version with MCP1700, 3.3V linear voltage regulator.
Name | Size | # Downloads |
IoT_Pro_04.brd | 198.81 kB | 1029 |
IoT_Pro_04.sch | 562.46 kB | 1123 |
@Yveaux Thanks for your response. I guess that's it. I have to burn a bootloader first :-). I have a USBasp Programmer for that. Can you point me to a wiring diagram that shows how to connect the programmer to the circuit board?
@roland-wijnen This error is indeed common when the connection to the bootloader fails. Do you know if the ATMega contains a bootloader at all?
Try to contact @ceech for support.
Hi Guys,
I also bought two of these boards a while ago. I have the NRF, a BH1750 sensor, and cables for battery and solar panel soldered to the board. I'm now trying to upload the sample code to the board. I have the board connected to my Mac as usual through an FTDI adapter. I'm running Arduino 1.8.6. The code compiles fine but cannot upload to the board. The following error is produced:
"Sketch uses 4266 bytes (13%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30720 bytes.
Global variables use 312 bytes (15%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1736 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding"
I guess the board does not get in flash mode... Settings I use in Arduino are:
Board: Arduino Pro of Pro Mini
Processor: "ATMega328 P (3,3V, 8 MHz)
Any ideas what is going wrong? I would love to see some examples of how the board is used. I want to use it to drive a relay that turns on my DMX controlled lights in my shed. Adding a temp/humidity, motion, and perhaps smoke sensor would be nice too.
Hope you can help me move forward. Cheers, Roland.
Hi all,
I like this project, but it looks like the creator is mainly aiming at selling his boards, because there is hardly any documentation posted.
I would like to challenge the author to show that he is really into Openhardware by sharing more info of this design (like schematics as PDF for the non-eagle users.
Hi Ceech,
Can you post the design files here as well, have seen them on Github, but it will make OpenHardware complete to have them here as well. Another request: can you post the schematic design as a PDF. I think you created the design with eagle? A lot of the people here use Kicad, so won't be able to read the eagle files.
Thanks in advance,