This is a multipurpose daughterboard but its main use is for AS312 motion sensor with MySX conector. It also consist of BH1750 ambient light sensor and header for one i2c device, uart and avr ISP. It is meant to be combined with a MySMotherboard to make fully functional motion sensor node.
Low profile MySX header connector. The board is designed for smd low profile MySX 2.5 header connector which significantly reduces node size.
AS312 motion sensor For best performance motion sensor is powered through dedicated low quiescent current 3V LDO. The LDO is powered from MySX VRAW pin, so voltage on this pin must be higer than 3.1V. 3.7V LI-ION rechargable battery would be a good power source solution. The circuit consists also of battery reverse polarity protecion MOSFET. For motion sensor required components to solder are: Q1, C1, C2, C3, R1, IC1, IC3
BH1750 ambient light sensor Ambient light sensor is powered from the MySX VCC pin. J2 jumper is used to select I2C addres of the light sensor. Required components to solder are: R2, R3, R4, C4, C5, IC2, J1 (choose one of two options)
Additional headers By soldering ISP header this board can be use as a MySX to AVR ISP adapter. To I2C header one additional i2c device can be conected. To UART header one additional uart device can be connected.
For easy software developement there is available toolkit library that enhance MySensors library called MySensorsToolkit and also there is an example sketch MyMultiSensor. The easies way to use this software is to clone the current version of the Arduino sketchbook Arduino-MySensors:
git clone
git submodule update --init
and then setup Arduino IDE to point to this folder as a sketchbook.