small (45mm x 46mm) easy to fit into typical 60mm diameter electric in-wall box
easy to connect into electricity grid (3 pole N screw terminal so additional junctions in electric box are not needed)
controlled by physical switches
can work without gateway
based on Atmega168/328 not on Arduino
This device was designed to be installed in typical 60mm diameter in-wall box and to be controlled not only by MySensors network but also by physical switches. This device can work independently even if MySensors gateway is down.
3 pin for switch button
6 pin standard Atmel ISP
2 pin RX/TX for serial programming (GNS and VCC are on ISP)
6 pole screw terminal for AC connection
AC clearance 2.5mm minimum
AC-DC clearance 5mm minimum
250VAC varistor
Thermal fuse
Slow blown fuse
45mm x 46mm
User "insectteam" made STL case model for 3D printing.
Caution: You should always disconnect AC mains before connecting the programer!
If you order or use this you agree to and understand that the author is not liable for any injury or damage howsoever caused and that you use this PCB at your own risk. This is DIY and the author has not made any professional test. This product has not been marked with any certification marks and cant be guaranteed to compliance with any standards.
This product is licensed under the CC-BY-SA OpenHardware certificate. For more information please see