Everything is possible
I just added CAD files. If anyone wants to change something.
Arduino NANO & RFM69HCW
This board is designed to connect RFM69HCW to Arduino Nano.
Easy connect Arduino Nano
Power supply 3.3V for RFM module and Arduino Nano
BME280 on board (I2C address: 0x77)
DS18B20 on board
For proper operation of RFM module It's necessary to bypass internal 'power supply' (+5V) of Arduino Nano::
desolder schotky diode (with label 'S4') under the USB connector (step 1)
solder Pin between our board (+5V) and Arduino Nano (step 2)
Note: RFM69HCW (right side) is smaller than standard module RFM69HW (left side). Pin layout is also different. Dimensions of RFM69HCW are 16mm x 16mm