Mini temperature and humidity sensor with e-ink 1.02 Inch
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5 years ago
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Temperature and humidity sensor with an electronic ink display 1.02 Inch, very low power consumption, very small device.

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What is it?

It is a miniature temperature and humidity sensor with a small e-ink display. The sensor has an industrial look, at least I wanted to achieve this. The sensor has very good energy efficiency. Powered by nRF52 multi-protocol chip (BLE, Zigbee, Thread, ESB). can be supplied with preinstalled software for working in wireless networks based on the MySensor protocol.

Can use both a ready-made device and a device for developing your own software right away

  • RF module MINEW MS50SFA supplied in several modifications with nRF52810, nRF52811, nRF52832 chips.

  • Arduino development environment compatible.

  • The project uses a new e-ink display (GDEW0102T4) from Good Display.

  • Very long runtime with one CR2450 battery.

  • The dimensions of the device are the same as for any other wireless temperature and humidity sensors without a display, but this sensor is with a diplay.

  • The ability to install different sensors (si7020, si7021, sht20, sht21, htu20d, htu21d)

My other similar projects:

Mini weather station with e-ink 2.9 Inch

V4 Temp&Hum&Press sensor with E-Ink 1.54

I hope this development deserves your like ...and then I will make more and faster open devices :)