Temperature and humidity sensor with an electronic ink display 1.02 Inch, very low power consumption, very small device.
What is it?
It is a miniature temperature and humidity sensor with a small e-ink display. The sensor has an industrial look, at least I wanted to achieve this. The sensor has very good energy efficiency. Powered by nRF52 multi-protocol chip (BLE, Zigbee, Thread, ESB). can be supplied with preinstalled software for working in wireless networks based on the MySensor protocol.
Can use both a ready-made device and a device for developing your own software right away
RF module MINEW MS50SFA supplied in several modifications with nRF52810, nRF52811, nRF52832 chips.
Arduino development environment compatible.
The project uses a new e-ink display (GDEW0102T4) from Good Display.
Very long runtime with one CR2450 battery.
The dimensions of the device are the same as for any other wireless temperature and humidity sensors without a display, but this sensor is with a diplay.
The ability to install different sensors (si7020, si7021, sht20, sht21, htu20d, htu21d)
My other similar projects:
Mini weather station with e-ink 2.9 Inch
V4 Temp&Hum&Press sensor with E-Ink 1.54
I hope this development deserves your like ...and then I will make more and faster open devices :)