What is it?
It is a compact wireless micro weather station with a 1.54 Inch e-paper display with screen resolution of 200x200 pixels(GDEH0154D67), the highest resolution(number of pixels per 1 inch), the best contrast(black is black). The device has an industrial look, at least I wanted to achieve this, very, very thin. The sensor has very good energy efficiency. Powered by nRF52 multi-protocol chip (BLE, Zigbee, Thread, ESB).
You can see how it works in my small video.
RF module MINEW MS50SFA supplied in several modifications with nRF52832 chips or RF module EBYTE E73-2G4M08S1C with nRF52840 chip.
Arduino development environment compatible.
The project uses e-paper display (GDEH0154D67) from Dalian Good Display Co.ltd.
Very long runtime with one or two CR2450 battery.
Consumption in data transmission mode - 8mA, in sleep mode 4.7μA.
The ability to install different sensors (si7020, si7021, sht20, sht21, htu20d, htu21d or bme280(sold with this sensor))
Not a bad device to start learning nRF52 and e-paper
My other similar projects:
Mini weather station with e-ink 2.9 Inch
Mini Temp&Hum sensor with E-Ink 1.02
...I hope this development will deserve your like